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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Miss u kaka..

Keep healthy, happy and Allah always bless u, forever n ever kak...

Dear God..

Nobody knows about the mystery of life we don't know what will happen next minute ahead everything is so grey we just try and sometime pretending that's black, white, blue, green or much more another colors.. We just step in this time we don't know about the next step we still alive or already pass away.. we still healthy or get some ill.. Dear God, I'm so scare to face the world alone I did many mistake and failure I'm so confuse.. Please hold...

Friday, December 19, 2014

I sure, I miss u

Everybody will be die no matter how strong and powerfull them. It's so hard and very hurt when we loose someone that we care about. Today I loose someone who I respect, like i respect my father.. He is a wise guy, humble and can be a father for everybody. He took care of me when I felt scare of someone. That's the first time I felt somebody guard and protect me. Thank you very much and Rest in Peace Abah.. please give my warm regards when you...